201-2018 School Consolidation Information
  • Welcome! Exciting things are happening for 91自拍 ISD students, and we are committed to providing the best, most effective educational learning environment for every student in the district. That means being proactive and responsive to the needs of students and parents while remaining fiscally responsible to 91自拍 taxpayers. When populations shift from one community or school to another, it is important for 91自拍 ISD to look at the larger picture—student needs, enrollment, funding, resources, and programs—and make decisions that are best for students and everyone involved.

    Based on enrollment, two elementary schools will consolidate with nearby elementary schools beginning August 2017. Amelia Earhart Elementary will consolidate with Eladio Martinez Elementary, one of the district’s high performing schools, and George Washington Carver Creative Arts Learning Center will merge with C.F. Carr Elementary, which will become an ACE school in the fall. This move provides opportunities for more students to take advantage of new and exciting programs, while making better use of resources.

    Additionally, the 91自拍 Environmental Science 91自拍 (DESA) will move to the vacated Amelia Earhart campus. DESA and Carver’s current buildings will be leveled to make way for the new Pinkston High School.

    These changes set the stage for an exciting 2017-2018 school year where students have more opportunities to excel. Please continue to check back with this site for updates as they develop throughout the summer.


Frequently Asked Questions

  • Why are the consolidations necessary?

    Both Earhart and Carver’s student populations have continued to shift during the last few years. It is no longer fiscally viable to keep the schools open with such a small number of students attending. As the state continues to cut educational funding, districts are required to make tough decisions that will best serve students.

    Will there be community meetings for parents to ask questions about the move?

    Several community meetings have already taken place to discuss the consolidations. Additional meetings are scheduled before school starts to provide an opportunity for students and parents to visit their new campuses and meet the staff.

    • Carr will host Meet the Teacher, 4-6 p.m., August 24 at the school. (School Calendar)
    • Martinez open house (TBD)

    When the schools consolidate, what will happen to my child’s teachers at each of the current schools?

    Staff ratios were followed at each school. Some teachers will move with the students, while others will move to other schools.

    Because Carr is transitioning to an ACE campus, teachers must opt into the ACE program, and then be selected by the leadership team to remain on campus. ACE keeps the strongest teachers who are committed to the community and have a proven track record. Teachers who did not opt in or who were not selected may be transferred to other campuses or have the option to seek other opportunities.

    DESA’s staff will follow the students to Earhart.

    How will bus routes change?

    Bus routes are being determined. Check back here for updates.

    When will the bus routes be posted?

    Routes will be posted on this page and the district’s main website this summer. Please check back for updates.

    What about uniforms?

    Students attending Martinez will follow the school’s uniform requirements (white or red tops and khaki bottoms) are posted on the school website along with other information.

    Information on Carr uniform requirements (white tops, khaki bottoms, and green plaid) will be shared at upcoming meetings and through School Messenger calls. Information will also be posted at the school and on the school’s website. A 91自拍l uniform event sponsored by the Pat & Emmitt Smith Foundation and JC Penny will be planned before school starts. All families should have registered earlier. Continue to check back here for updated information and dates.

    Will there be an open house before school starts so students and parents can visit their new school?

    Some meetings have already occurred. More will occur in the fall. Contact the school for specifics.

    Carr Open House
    Thursday, August 24, 4-6 p.m.
    (972) 794-4300

    Martinez Open House
    (972) 794-6900

    DESA Open House
    (972) 794-3950

    Will my child have access to enhanced academic programs or activities under the consolidation?

    Earhart students will be exposed to a high performing campus. Because the school is much larger in size, enrollment, budget, and newer, students will have access to more programs and resources.

    Carr will be an ACE campus, the district’s Accelerating Campus Excellence plan accelerates school transformation through three primary factors: strong school leadership, effective teachers, and high expectations for both students and staff. In addition to the in-class initiatives, ACE schools offer after school programs available for all students.

    Where can I get additional information about these changes and the next school year.

    This page will continue to be updated throughout the summer. You will also be able to visit the schools’ sites for updates as they develop.